Welcome to GT
I am Tracy Marshall, the Gifted Specialist at Fairmont Elementary. This is my 23rd year in Deer Park ISD and my 6th year at Fairmont Elementary. When I am not working, I am with my husband and adult children looking for new mountain vacation spots! I have a daughter and a son who each graduated from Deer Park ISD and went on to University of Texas and Texas A&M respectively. We also have one very bad Australian Shepherd named Nahko and a horse named May.
The DPISD Gifted program provides challenge and differentiation to the standard curriculum. Primary students meet 1 hour per week and grades 3-5 meet two hours per week. During that time we use a specific curriculum designed for this program to meet the cognitive and emotional needs of gifted students. Our curriculum includes units on creativity, leadership, problem solving, spatial reasoning and Texas Performance Standards Projects. This year our overlying theme will be Ancient Egypt.