Elizabeth Rains » Articulation


Frequently Asked Questions
When will my child fix their speech errors?
Some speech errors are developmental, meaning that they typically resolve as the child ages. An articulation disorder is a significant deficiency in the ability to produce speech sounds in conversational speech which is NOT consistent with chronological age.
When a child receives speech therapy for an articulation disorder, it is impossible to set a time frame for when their errors will be remediated. Each child grows and develops at their own pace. However, practicing EVERY DAY ensures your child will make progress as quickly as possible; This is proven by research.
How is my child progressing in speech therapy?
In therapy, we typically start by targeting the sound in isolation. Depending on how stimulable your child is for their targeted sound, we may begin working at the "word level." The Speech Sound Ladder below shows the progression of sound development, starting with sounds in isolation and ending with generalization (i.e., using the sound spontaneously, in and out of a therapy setting). Please keep in mind that each child is unique and will progress through the speech ladder at different paces.
How can I help my child at home?
Talk with your child about their errors and be familiar with their goals. Practice any homework or activities that are sent home and use every day activities to target their speech goals.
Here are some ideas to help your child practice their speech skills: